W x H x D12.95 x 4.65 x 17.83 in12.6 x 4.46 x 16.31 inCDJ-3000 vs 2000: FeaturesAppearance and Build QualityThe first thing you will notice when using the Pioneer CDJ-3000 is the larger screen.
An extra 8-beat loop button has been added to the 4-beat loop button found on the CDJ 2000 Nexus, while the cue buttons (8) have been moved below the waveform display on the CDJ 3000 Nexus for more clarity.
Cdj 2000 virtual dj
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Designed and engineered in the UK for the Pioneer CDJ-2000 NXS2 Multiplayer - trusted by professional DJs and clubs across the globe to preserve the lifespan of their equipment. Custom made from super strong polycarbonate to protect the platter, fader and controls in the booth and during transportation. Each Decksaver is custom moulded for a perfect fit whilst making allowances for cables - the CDJ-2000 NXS2 can sit ready for operation. Includes fitted faceplate to protect platter from scratches. From Pacha NYC to Space Ibiza and back again, the constant you'll find is Decksaver. 2ff7e9595c